Saturday, February 25, 2006

State of the Evidence

Last Month the Breast Cancer Fund and Breast Cancer Action published their annual State of the Evidence Report. Here is a link to read the report.

This year the report states that up to half of Breast Cancer cases may be linked to environmental causes. When you read about prevention and the issue of reducing pollutants that are known to cause cancer is not addressed, use caution. Showing a direct link between cancer and environmental pollution is difficult. The report is EXCELLENT and we encourage you to read it and then send it to your elected representatives.

At times addressing environmental issues around cancer can seem intimidating because the issues are really big. Keep in mind that our market is consumer driven and the choices you make shopping will be what effects change. Asking questions of your grocer, your florist, your politician, your hairdresser, your car dealer, your local restaurant owners and others in your community makes the change. Just asking "is there a less toxic alternative?" is a important and powerful question.

You don't have to go live in a tent and eat off of the land to be environmentally friendly anymore. Over the coming months, we will be giving you tip on making small powerful changes that can make a big impact on reducing waste and pollution. For now, read the report and COMMIT to doing what you can to turn the tide in a more sane direction.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mother was right, Eat Your Vegetables!

Scientists are now figuring out the way that vegetables prevent cancer. A new study is published in the research journal Nature. Scientists know that in order for cancer to develop, the DNA of the cells has to be damaged. It seems that vegetables help to repair that damage. The study showed that vegetables, specifcally cruciferous vegetables (brocolli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts) contain a compound called Indole 3 carbinol (I3C) help to repair damaged DNA.

The study quotes the lead scientist Eliot M. Rosen, MD, PhD, professor of oncology, cell biology, and radiation medicine at Georgetown’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

“It is now clear that the function of crucial cancer genes can be influenced by compounds in the things we eat,” Rosen says. “Our findings suggest a clear molecular process that would explain the connection between diet and cancer prevention.”

to access the full article, use this link.

There is debate in the world of breast cancer as to whether lifestyle factors with regard to breast cancer are in some way "blaming the victim" Does getting breast cancer mean that you didn't eat enough vegetables and that it is then YOUR FAULT? This is such a gross oversimplification, it is hard to believe.

The question that is often overlooked is "why are the genes mutating in the first place?" This often leads to environmental issues. In the next post, we will explore those environmental issues with the Breast Cancer Fund State of the Evidence Report. In the meantime, our opinion (for what it is worth) is that lifestyle changes are worth looking at AND they are obviosly not the whole picture. Of all the cases of breast cancer, we only understand why women get it about 30% of the time. The REFUSAL to look at environmental exposure is a big problem.

Solving the problem of breast cancer will not be done by only looking in one direction. These chemicals that we are exposed to every day cause known genetic mutations, DNA damage and a variety of hazards. Helping our bodies heal from this damage using diet, nutrition, energetic medicine and other "lifestyle" components does not remove the original problem but it does put us in a better position to be able to confront it. Every group has it's "this is why" about cancer. The environmentalists think it is the environment. The new agers think it is our thought patterns because it is all about energy. Anyone who tells you they understand everything about cancer is most likely deluded.

We must be willing to put our ego's aside in the search for truth. Opinions are allowed and valued but this problem is best solved when we are willing to work together.