Monday, October 04, 2010

Hear us interviewed on the radio!

We were interviewed last week by Jan Janzen author of Breast Health Revolution.
Listen to internet radio with Jan Janzen on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Breast Cancer Prevention Comes With Increasing Evidence

This Article from Kansas City talks about the typical woman who has breast cancer in her family and what her choices are. However here they lay out some interesting research about prevention thru three main strategies. Weight Loss, Exercise and Nutrition. One study mentioned from University of Kansas put 25 women on a 1,200 calorie-a-day diet and an exercise regimen of six hours or more of walking every week.

The women not only lost weight, they ended up with fewer precancerous cells in their breasts.

Exercise reduces inflammatory chemicals in the body that seem to make it easier for pre-cancerous cells to survive.

The other things mentioned were flax seeds and vitamin D. We talk about other flax seed studies here, it is right under the recipe.

We will be interviewing an expert about Vitamin D in November.

Read the entire article here: