Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Plastics and Breast Milk

Here is more information on babies exposure to toxic chemicals thru breast milk. This is why getting these toxins out of our bodies is so important! 1st, the problem. This article was in the Environmental Science and Technology online magazine.
This article was in the Environmental Science and Technology online magazine.

After you learn about the problem, go here to see how Dr Cousins used Zeolite and nutrition to remove exactly these toxins from pregnant women so their babies would not have this level of exposure. Below is a summary: and here is a link to the site. This Goes To Dr Cousins site.

This is what we wrote about Zeolite recently

A pilot study at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center with 60 people, based on my non-toxic baby protocol for preparing parents to bring forth non-toxic babies, consisted of a one-week green juice fast and detox support program with zeolite in the form of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) 15 drops, 4X/day.

The following very significant results were found. 22 people were tested for depleted uranium (DU), a very serious worldwide radioactive contamination resulting from the use of DU armaments, especially used in Iraq. 20 of the 22 people tested initially had DU in at least the liver, the breast, or the brain, and 17 of the 22 people had started with it in all three organs, the liver, the breast, and the brain. In one week on this protocol, all the people became DU-free except for one person, who still had DU in the liver.

Also, thirty-two people were tested for Teflon and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the carcinogenic element of teflon. Teflon was found in the livers of 27 people, the breasts of 25 people, and the brains of 28 people. All but two people became teflon-free after one week. Only one person had Teflon remaining in the breast, and one person had Teflon remaining in the brain.

In the same 32 people, initially PFOA was found in the liver of 28 people, the breast of 29 people, and the brain of 28 people. After one week, all people became PFOA-free except for one person having PFOA remaining in the breast and brain. In testing people for a whole set of toxins consisting of 14 to 26 of the common heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides, the people initially had on average 90 to 95% of the toxins in their liver, breast, and brain, whether they were live-food eaters or not. The overall percentage of removal of these toxins from these organs was 87%, leaving only 13% of the toxins in their systems overall. This included 90% removal from the liver, 87% removal from the breast, and 86% removal from the brain.

In the 55 people tested the heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicide toxins, initially 845 toxins were found in the subjects’ livers, 876 toxins in the breasts, 8 toxins in the brain. After the one-week protocol, just 88 toxins were left in the liver, 115 toxins left in the breast, and 124 toxins left in the brain::


Toxins Found BEFORE
TOTAL 2596

Toxins Found AFTER

Percentage Removed

Monday, July 17, 2006

Radiation and the Breast Cancer Gene

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed what some Doctors from Europe have been warning about. The radiation exposure from X-rays increases the likelihood that someone with the "breast cancer gene" BCRA1 or 2 will develop cancer.

This from Reuters:
Women with mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 who reported having a chest X-ray were 54 percent more likely to develop breast cancer than those who had never had one, the study found.

Women exposed to X-rays before age 20 had a 2.5-fold increased risk of developing breast cancer before age 40, compared with those who had never had a chest X-ray.

"Since BRCA proteins are integral in repairing damage to breast cells, we hypothesized that women with BRCA 1/2 mutations would be less able to repair damage caused to DNA by ionizing radiation," Goldgar said. (Dr. David Goldgar of the University of Utah School of Medicine one of the leading researchers)

The major reason most of the women the in the study would have had a chest X-ray was to screen for tuberculosis before enrolling in school or as job requirement, Goldgar said in a telephone interview.

However, "if my daughter was 30 and known to be a (BRCA1 or BRCA2) carrier I wouldn't say 'don't have a mammography,'" he added.

That last statement is controversial at best. If radiation is a known factor in developing breast cancer, why would you expose women who are at a higher risk for the disease. Remember radiation exposure is cumulative. We will talk about this more next month and hear from some experts. Here is a link to the article.


Educating Young Women on Risk

In a study of more than 10,000 young women designed to assess knowledge of breast cancer risk factors, a study found young women more likely to believe in genetic risk factors than lifestyle risk factors. This despite the fact that lifestyle factors, including alcohol use, birth control use, diet and exercise are important factors associated with breast cancer risk. If you are a mother of young women, please talk to your daughters about the importance of developing healthy lifestyle choices. Some of the evidence points to these "periods of vulnerability" puberty being one, as times when lifestyle choices, exposures to toxins or use of hormones can have an especially harmful effect in influencing genetic expression.
It is hard to get young people to act preventatively when they feel so strong and invulnerable. But education is powerful and open discussion can be helpful. This study shows that our young women are not educated that their choices make a difference. Let's change that! If you want ideas about talking to the young women in your life, contact us and we will help you find resources.
