Sunday, October 29, 2006

Vitamin E slows cancer growth

This study posted by Ivanhoe is from the Cancer Research Journal. The role of antioxidants in protection from cancer will continue to be in the news. While there is a large push to isolate compounds (which can be patented.) that are effective in preventing cancer, the whole foods source is always a better option. Most studies show at least to take Vitamin E with A and C for the best effects. Vitamin E is known as a Super Antioxidant because it can regenerate itself and somewhat recycle itself.

Here is the study.

Altered Form of Vitamin E Stops Cancer Spread in Mice

(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A special form of vitamin E may someday treat breast cancer that has spread.

The study from the University of Arizona in Tucson reveals chemically altered vitamin E mixed into mouse food dramatically reduced the spread of cancer in mice. It's the first study to show the synthetic compound has powerful anti-cancer benefits when given as a dietary supplement.

Researchers report mice that ate the so-called super chow had a 4.8-fold reduction in the number of tumors that spread to the lungs compared to the control mice.

Researchers say vitamin E cannot destroy tumor cells on its own. But chemically changing it helps it force cancer cells to self-destruct.

"Cell survival is maintained when pro-apoptotic proteins are confined, and these synthetic forms of vitamin E release them, pushing the cell into committing suicide," reports lead author Emmanuel T. Akporiaye, Ph.D., University of Arizona. "Only a little part of vitamin E is changed in these synthetic derivatives, but they show amazing anti-cancer properties, and they selectively target tumor cells." Pro-apoptotic means something that encourages the process of apoptosis, or cell death.

Researchers report combining this synthetic vitamin E derivative with other anti-cancer treatments may help treat and prevent breast cancer in humans.

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SOURCE: Cancer Research, 2006;66:9374-9378